This Crazy Idea of Ours

One day, two women met and discovered that they were actually the same person. Surprise!

Jacquie and I met through work in mid 2018 and quickly discovered that we had a ton in common. A common love for Harry Potter, mutual friends, a shared morbid fascination with serial killers… Not to mention the fact that I met her mom and sister years ago, and her mom convinced me to pretend to be a French foreign exchange student named Jeannette to prank her sister. (It worked). We got hooked on My Favorite Murder (I’m Georgia, she’s Karen) and knew almost immediately that we wanted to start a podcast together. But what would we talk about?! 

Well. One day at lunch, I was lamenting the fact that I can’t find a good book club in the Tampa area. They all seem to be for older ladies (you go girls, but I work during your meeting times), or specific genres when I want more variety. At that same lunch, Jacquie was telling me that her therapist wants to see her get involved in a hobby. She joked, “Is drinking a hobby?” And I said, “I bet I could find a bottle of wine to match every book I read.”

…. and thus, Read Between the Vines was born. We knew immediately that this was our podcast. It all came together so quickly after that! Each month, we choose a book to read (easy because it’s just us and we like the same books). Book decisions come pretty much when we get around to it, and we have the month to finish reading it. Then, we pair the book with a wine based on our “Tannins and Tomes” categories, drink the wine and talk about the book. And record it. That’s how podcasts work, right?

We post new episodes twice a month – one is a full episode with our book reviews, and the other is what we call a “minisode.” We refer to these minisodes as “Read one, Write one.” ROWO is poetry-based. We each choose a list of works by famous poets (i.e. Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Rupi Kaur, etc.) and then we write our own poetry. The other person must guess which is the real poem. (What Jacquie didn’t know is that I won a poetry contest in 10th grade so JOKE’S ON HER). We have also started tackling song lyrics once a month, and sometimes we’ll do special poetry episodes if we feel it’s warranted. All of our poetry is available on the poetry section of our blog.

I think that’s about it… we hope you’ll read along with us and laugh along with us and understand that we have no idea what we’re doing. We just like books, wine and friendship, okay?