June on the Orient Express

Hey there! Sorry we're a month late in posting this, but this week you can expect a brand new, full length episode of the podcast on Agatha Christie's classic murder mystery Murder on the Orient Express. Get ready for lots of twists and turns and, of course, plenty of wine. We guess it was the [...]

The Wonderful Month of April

As promised, we're doing our best to cover a variety of genres. For April, we decided to take a stab at non-fiction! We saw Captain Marvel a few weeks ago and immediately started discussing which super hero we would be (as you do). Both of us wanted to be Wonder Woman, so we figured - [...]

Finding Luck in a Bookshop

Lucky March! Is that like saying Happy Any-Other-Month? If it's not, we're making that a thing. But this March really is lucky, because we get to learn How to Find Love in a Bookshop.... get it? 'Cause our March book is How to Find Love in a Bookshop? All right, fine, don't laugh. This month, [...]

February’s Tale

We've officially selected our February book! The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, is set in the dystopian Republic of Gilead. It's a satirical tale of freedom and feminism and a society that only values women for their ability to procreate. Should be light and happy, huh? If you want us to hear your thoughts before we record, [...]