Podcasting in a Pandemic

Hey, listeners. How are you? You hanging in there?

We know this is a scary time for everyone, and it’s more important than ever to reach out and tell those you love that you love them. It’s also important to fill your time with positive activities and doing things that you love – which for us, means reading, writing, and podcasting.

Our classes and various jobs have moved completely online, and we’re both self-isolating – not because we’re concerned for our own health, but because we know it’s the right thing to do in order to protect the at-risk people we love. We might be okay, but we don’t want to risk passing COVID-19 on to someone who then gives it to their ailing grandmother.

We know you’re getting a lot of messages from the companies you buy from, the jobs you need desperately, and the people you love dearly. We don’t want to overwhelm you. We just want to tell you that we’re here, we’re listening, and we love you.

In this crazy time, why not offset all of the negativity coming to you in the news with media that you love? Binge watch Netflix, even if you watch The Office for the 10th time. Catch up on your TBR pile! And hey, maybe listen to your favorite podcasts, and find a few new ones to fall in love with.

We’ve got an entire year’s worth of episodes that aren’t going anywhere, and we’re going to continue recording moving forward – just not together in person. The logistics may be tricky, but what else would we do with all the time we’re saving by not driving anywhere???

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home. We love you.

Love, Chrissy and Jacquie