We Love You

Dearest friends and listeners,

We are both very bad at saying no. We are both passionate about a lot of things. We are both involved in about six jobs each, and we’re both a little overwhelmed.

Chrissy’s 2020 Resolution is to create more of a balance in her life. She’s working with a leadership coach to find actionable steps to reach that goal. She’s envisioning her future. (Yak.)

Jacquie’s resolution is to read the book sooner than the day of recording. She’s not off to a great start, but there’s still 11 months left in the year.

We’re practicing recognizing when our plates are full and learning to say “I’m sorry, but I’m at capacity.” We’re learning to delegate. We’re learning to help ourselves first. We’re learning to reflect on what we find fulfilling and what activities, attitudes, and behaviors are detracting from our core happiness.

The good news is that Read Between the Vines still brings us a lot of happiness. It’s an excuse to see each other at least once a month. We make time for it and we make time for each other, which would be harder to do without an excuse. We worry that without it, we’d fall into the “see you soon” trap. RBTV pushes us out of our comfort zone in terms of what we read and what we write. It challenges us.

So with that in mind, we’re going to cut back on how many episodes we publish each month. The poetry has become more of a hassle than a joy, so rather than releasing three poetry episodes per month, we’re doing one. You’ll still get poetry, and you’ll still get wine and books, but just twice a month now.

We are so grateful to have the means to create this little passion project of ours. We are thankful for the opportunity to read and write and spend quality time together. We’re so lucky to have listeners like you who tune into our silliness. We’re not going anywhere.

Thanks for your love and support. We love you.

Affectionately yours,
Chrissy & Jacquie